WAvNA accomplishments include sponsoring several policy initiatives:
- Relocation of West Avenue pump station from Lincoln Rd street-end to post office parking lot.
- Opposed height increase for proposed 200 ft tower on the north side of Canopy Park at 710-720 Alton Rd./West Ave
- Better harmonization and resolved parking issues regarding West Avenue Phase II Street Raising Project.
- Rolled back alcohol service on West Ave and Alton to 2AM indoors/Midnight outdoors (was 5AM).
- Prohibition of any more hotels, apartment-hotels, bed & breakfast.
- Residential parking zone expanded to Bay Rd and the circular public parking lot.
- Reporting derelict boats and the negative consequences of boaters using our seawall which resulted in passing ordinances to mitigate the impacts.
- Continue to advocate for a mooring field to solve pollution and derelict boat issue.
- Signage that is located at the parklet seawalls banning dockage and fishing.
- During negotiations for Five Park Tower project, insisted on a large three (3) acre park– resulting in Canopy Park.
- Cleaner streets due to organized community walks, coupled with constant one-on-one follow ups.
- Attended numerous special magistrate hearing to advocate for strict enforcement of laws, especially as regarding noise compliance.
- Keeping momentum on completion of the Baywalk and pedestrian bridge.
- Informing residents of each new development proposal, especially those that include extra height and F.A.R.
- Prioritizing our West Avenue residents with constant engagement at monthly meetings and through personal relationships.
- Ordinance to prohibit suite-hotels, Sec 142-843
- Ordinance to prohibit hotels, Sec 142-215,242,245
- Ordinance to limit suite-hotel, hostel, and hotel room occupancy, Sec 142-1105
- Ordinance to limit alcohol hours to 2am (was 5am), Sec 142-310
- Improved Phase II Rd Renovation: no fee connection, drains on private property
- Created “Open for Business” list to advertise businesses during corona virus, 2020
- Formed Gateway Alliance to promote responsible development at 500-600 block
- Formed Streetscape Committee to improve West Ave Project
- Formed tree committee to promote shade trees
- Formed Condo Directors Club for condo boards to collaborate and share ideas
- Formed Safety Committee to remove graffiti and litter
- Initiated LPI Traffic Light Program (Leading Pedestrian Interval) to cross street safely
- Yield-to-pedestrian signs along West Ave
- Two hour parking time limits to open up more street parking spaces
- Added residential permit parking along Bay Road and Lot P23 (1625 West Ave)
- Add restrictive Conditional Use Permits to protect quality of life and property values
- Remove boats illegally docked at street-ends
- Trolley to mitigate impact of Alton Road construction
- Demolition of abandoned hospital, 600 Alton
- Camouflage pump stations
- Landscape 10th & 14th St street-ends
- Complete sections of Baywalk
- A trash can on every corner
- Improved design of Lincoln Ct pedestrian bridge
- Increased attention from police on traffic enforcement