WAvNA Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2015, 6:30pm, The Mirador, 1200 West Ave
Chair: Gayle Durham, President, WAvNA
Guests: Joy Malokoff, City of Miami Beach Commissioner
Bruce Mowry, Engineer, City of Miami Beach

I. Call to order and introductory remarks, Gayle Durham, 6:25pm.

II. Police Q&A – Jones and Martineau
a. Motorcycle noise enforceable: Yes, at 100 feet
b. Leafblower noise: Commissioner Grieco wants to phase out gas-powered blowers, as has   been done in other communities
c. Pedestrian safety: Enforcement earmark money has shrunk, but City intends to hire civilian “road rangers” to assist in enforcement (including writing tickets)
d. Lighted crosswalks across West (like those at airport): Grieco is requesting but not approved yet
e. Increased presence of homeless: Contact police, they have two outreach officers
f. Noise complaints: Call Code Compliance, after hours call police – they will dispatch; ask for an incident number
g. Gayle asked for drug and prostitution arrest stats on Ocean, but unavailable offhand

III. Alcohol ordinance
a. Noise complaints on West Ave have increased
b. Alton Road alcohol restrictions similar to those of Ocean Drive and Washington Ave
i. 5:00am closing time
ii. No noise mitigation mandates
c. Flamingo Park neighborhood supports tightening restrictions, too
d. Comments from Mitch Novick, owner of Sherbrooke Hotel, 901 Collins Ave: Believes quality of life on Ocean/Collins has gone downhill, documents bad behavior, strongly advises West Avenue to asked for increased zoning protections
e. Comments from residents living next to noise at Bodega and Mondrian
f. Commissioner Malakoff’s suggestions
i. Limit hours outdoor to midnight
ii. No 5:00am licenses (suggests indoor 2:00am instead)
iii. No outdoor speakers
iv. No outdoor bar counters
v. Restrict hours of rooftop bars/restaurants – 10pm weekdays, 12am wkends
vi. Regulate garage door openings
vii. Balance the needs of residents and businesses
viii. Possibility of off-duty officers patrolling, as has been done at Purdy Lounge
g. Question: How long to pass?
i. Has to go through City process – Land Use, Planning, Commission, etc
h. Commissioner Gonzalez: Residents should speak out in support of proposal, which will increase chances of success
i. MBPD Mid Beach Captain Paul Acosta: Police support these efforts
i. prevention versus correction
ii. 5am nightclubs increase crime

IV. West Avenue construction update: Bruce Mowry, City Engineer
a. Phase 2 divided into two parts – 14th to Lincoln, and 14th to 6th
b. Each part will be bid separately
c. The intersections at 14th and 6th /Phase 1 will require a few more months of construction before completion
d. New fee? Only if property cannot handle its own runoff and requires connection to City’s stormwater system (“in lieu”) – property will incur monthly usage fee
e. Street raised higher than promised? No, target elevation is still the same
f. Bidding on Phase 2 will begin in April, contractor selected by late summer, construction to commence late 2016/early 2017
g. West Avenue Bridge – currently in procurement, will include sidewalk, possibly include additional pedestrian bridge extending from Lincoln Court
h. Streetscape design recommendations are being presented to Commission March 9th
i. Travis Copeland (WAvNA Board Member/Streetscape co-chair) reminded and strongly urged every individual property to schedule one-on-one meeting with Bruce Mowry to discuss concerns specific to the property (approximate road height, etc)

V. Next WAvNA meeting: March 1st, 1200 West Avenue – 6:00pm appetizers, 6:30pm call to order

VI. Adjournment


For more information:

City of Miami Beach E-Gov App: Use your smartphone to report issues (noise, parking, etc) to City: http://miamibeachfl.gov/it/scroll.aspx?id=77127

City Engineer contact information: http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/publicworks/scroll.aspx?id=25112

Streetscape: https://www.wavna305.com/bike-lane/design-plans/

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