West Ave Neighborhood Assoc. (WAvNA)
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018, 6:30pm
1330 West Ave, The Waverly

* Neighborhood Updates by Shawn – dozens of additional garbage cans placed in our neighborhood is making a profound difference in keeping our streets clean. Meetings with the city have resulted in an improved design of the pedestrian bridge which will include lighting and landscaping.

* Miami Beach Crime Prevention and Awareness Group is a grassroots group helping to fight crime in Miami Beach. Led by John Deutzman, Michael Defillipo, and Jeff Feldman, they encourage everyone to get involved by joining their facebook page (must be invited as a facebook member so first contact wavna so we can invite you, [email protected]). The  Crime Prevention Group also suggests: all property owners install bright lighting on their property that also lights up the sidewalk, install “no trespassing signs on property”.  Police Chief Dan Oates stated signs posted on private property are important because it empowers police to engage that person and if that person is homeless to find that person shelter. Signs available by contacting South Beach Neighborhood Resource Officer [email protected]

* Commissioner Mark Samuelian with city hall updates:

  • The commissioner sponsored an ordinance to protect the public against dishonest Ocean Drive restaurants that rip off customers.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation (the Red Team) is compiling a report for the city to evaluate the city’s resiliency plan thus far. The report will influence the West Ave Renovation project.
  • Although the pumps are filtering out large debris, the commissioner recommends the city investigate filtering all pollution as the city of Key West is proposing.
  • GO Bond may be on this November referendum. The commissioner stated the bond can benefit our neighborhood and suggested funds to complete the Baywalk.
  • The commissioner stated there is a possibility to add adult exercise gym or exercise programs. Anyone interested should sign the petition by contacting Wavna member Sandy Otero [email protected].
  • The commission voted to pause any development of the surface parking lot located at 1632 West Ave. The commissioner reiterated that workforce housing should not be located here if the neighborhood opposes it.
  • Newly designed bus stops – there are two concepts and about 54% of the  membership selected concept #1, 46% concept #2.

Meeting Adjourned 7:50pm

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