WAvNA questions were answered at the May 26th Land Use & Sustainability meeting. View the video

1.       Who is the one city person assigned to oversee the completion of the Baywalk? 

David Martinez, Director of CIP department is in charge of construction. And Lauren Firtel is the point person as the South Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator.

2.       Who are all the city persons on the team working on completing the Baywalk and what is each person’s role?

 David Martinez’ department will oversee construction and will be working with his team which is the same team that has been working on the West Avenue Phase II project:  David Gomez, Sabrina, George Rodriguez; Kevin Pulido and Lauren Firtel – neighborhood affairs coordinators, & Betsey Wheaton in environmental.

3.       Which city person is assigned to contact and update each condo board association? 

Kevin Pulido and Lauren Firtel in Neighborhood Affairs are the first line of communication.

4.       What is the overall process and the specific steps involved? 

Not all processes are the same for all sections, however, generally the overall process involves the intent to have the same consultant for all segments of the Baywalk, but to have permitting/design of each package independent of one another. The process is lengthy, particularly for the over water segments which involves over one year for permitting with the Army Corps of Engineers through their National Marine Fisheries Commission. Then permitting goes to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Miami-Dade DERM, and the City building department. In all, the due diligence with property owners, design and permitting portions of the project will take at least two years.

5.       What federal, state, and county agencies are involved? 

 See above

6.       What is the plan for cost over runs for the sections funded by the G.O. Bond? We are concerned that $5 million is not sufficient.

 Too early to address cost overruns.

7.    What is the responsibility of the condo association regarding maintenance and repair of Baywalk? Picking up litter, security, repair damage from a hurricane?

 Each section will be different and this question cannot be answered now.

8.       We recommend Baywalk continuity in material and design. Recognizing that each section has its own unique challenges, there should still be criteria so that, for example, all over-land sections have a continuity and all over-water sections have a continuity.

The Planning Department and Design and Review Board will be consulted regarding aesthetics. All of the designs at any point in time will be shared with anyone should they request that.

9.      To accomplish continuity and aesthetics, we recommend a Baywalk Master Plan that is transmitted to the Design Review Board (for an opinion, not final approval). See above

10. Can we view the final design and materials for the section at 1450 Lincoln Road. We have concerns regarding aesthetics. Previously, we asked the city to look at the Pier at South Pointe Park as an example of an aesthetically pleasing over-water walkway . See above

11.    We recommend one city attorney be assigned as an oversee to be point person for all legal matters.

 Not addressed

12.    We recommend the city assign a permanent park ranger to monitor the Baywalk and the park at 600 Alton.

Since this point was not addressed during the presentation, Samuelian was quick to mention that a park ranger might be a good idea to assign to Baywalk security. We followed up during the Q&A, noting that security is a concern for many residents and that a Baywalk Ranger could be tied in somehow with the park @ 6th & Alton. 

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