WAvNA Streetscape Meeting
Minutes by Co-Chair Travis Copeland
June 4, 2015, 6:00pm, Starbucks, 959 West Ave.
I. Trees on West Avenue – discussion
a. Concern that West Ave construction will destroy trees. Unanimously agreed that a beautiful tree canopy in the West Ave corridor is a priority. Therefore, we are setting up a meeting with the City’s tree expert Mark Williams
b. Created a list of questions to ask Mr. Williams
c. Discussed a number of potential tree species for West Avenue, favoring trees that are both shade-providing as well as ornamental (flowering)
II. Restriping update: City asked FDOT to proceed with restriping West Avenue ASAP, FDOT agreed to do so ASAP, possibly starting as soon as June 8th.
III. Venetian Causeway update: Westernmost bridge is closed. That bridge will be completely demolished and rebuilt. Scheduled construction is nine months.
IV. Trolley summary
a. City proposing South Beach trolley route to ultimately connect all of Miami Beach by trolley
b.Current contract with Miami Dade Transit for South Beach Local expires in 18 months
c. City seeking input for two possible scenarios
i Adding trolley service to complement the South Beach Local
ii Eliminating the South Beach Local and replacing with City-run trolley
d. City currently paying 1/3 of South Beach Local costs (~$2.2 million)
e. City would likely have to shoulder entire cost of trolley – unlikely to get money from County
f. WAvNA will discuss and come to consensus about trolley suggestions at the next general meeting (July 21)
g. Update: City representative Julian Guevara has confirmed his attendance at the July 21 meeting to speak about the trolley proposal
h. City’s handout unavailable online, but for more information, read: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/miami-beach/article19723863.html
i. Recommendations
1. Trolley on West Ave instead of Alton Road
2. East to West route is a must. A bi-directional loop from West Ave to Washington Ave
3. Electric hybrid trolley instead of gas. Electric must not break down
4. beautiful trolley, really cool looking
5. A trolley that has a “South Beach look”
6. A low trolley with no steps or few steps at door
7. Consider also adding an express trolley
V. Urban Jungle
a.WAvNA was approached by tree activist Sheryl Gold who, with Commissioner Tobin, intend to lobby the City for a comprehensive and aggressive pro-tree action plan
b.Streetscape Committee was tasked with drafting and delivering a letter of support for this plan (Update: Drafted by Corinne Kirkland and Marie Dunne, edited and sent by Travis Copeland on 6/8/15)
VI. Open discussion
a. Gayle presented photos from Sunset Harbor demonstrating the Purdy Ave street raising, presented photos demonstrating sidewalk obstructions (noting that we should continue to push for removing sidewalk obstacles in the West Ave project)
b. Travis presented pre-construction MLS listings for the proposed projects at 1235 West Ave and 1414 West Ave; Gayle discussed projects coming to 1445 Bay Rd and to both sides of Monad Terrace
c. Teresa Cruise mentioned that the Community Bike Ride had been discontinued and read a letter that had been written supporting reestablishing the ride
VII. Future Action
a.Next Streetscape meeting: July 16, 6pm, Location TBD
b. Next WAvNA meeting: July 21, 6pm, Location TBD
VIII. Meeting Adjourned 8:00pm