Feb 5, 2019, 6:00pm Meet & Greet, 6:30pm Meeting
1330 West Ave, The Waverly

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I. Call to order: 6:37pm

II. Officials Attending:

a. Police representative
b. County Commissioner Eileen Higgins, who announced Bay cleanup taskforce
c. Commissioner Arriola aide, Eric (Arriola himself showed later)
d. Commissioner Joy Malakoff
e. State Representative Grieco aide

III. Recognition

a. Meeting sponsor, Pure Pharmacy, supplied refreshments and B12 shots
b. Certificate of appreciation for Sandy Martinez: Most valued city employee

IV. Fishing Ordinance

a. Discussion at Neighborhood Committee: 2/6, 9am
b. There is no City ordinance to control fishing

V. Pedestrian Safety Advocated by WAvNA

a. Crosswalk at 17th Street Needed

i. Sunset & Belle Island HOA and WAvNA cooperating to work with City

b. Crosswalk signs needed at 14 & West Avenue
c. Temporary protected sidewalk built by Trader Joe’s

VI. Run with Ricky will present WoW proposal Sunday, March 10, 2019, 10:00am

VII. Pump stations – Commissioner Gongora sponsors ordinance to prevent pollution

VIII. Neighborhood Survey

a. Cannabis Dispensaries

i. Commissioner votes 2/13/2019 to separate dispensaries by distance (how far?)
ii. 1523 Alton open, 1439 Alton will open soon, 1428 requests waiver to open
iii. 65% approve distance restriction
iv. State law: You have to treat dispensaries the same as pharmacies – so a distance limit would then apply to pharmacies (existing pharmacies grandfathered in? Not sure but we will find out.)

b. Trolley service

i. Seat comfort: Same
ii. Wait time: Worse. Guarantee wait was 20 minutes now it’s 35 minutes

c. Ambient music ordinance

i. Currently prohibited: live music/DJs/live performances
ii. Commissioner John Aleman sponsoring ordinace to allow it
iii. Unanimous rejection by those in attendance

d. West Avenue renovation – Turn lanes/medians

i. Construction will break ground this summer
ii. Commission voted to create a center turn lane that will allow vehicles to park in the middle of the street

IX. WoW (West of West) Proposed Zoning Change
a. Developer Todd Glaser will present at next commission meeting 2/13/2019

X. Mondrian entertainment license (CUP) – Voice your frustration about noise by attending the Planning Committee, March 26, 2019

XI. 40 Year certification then every 10 yrs another certification required– Expenses often higher than anticipated, please be prepared, engage with your condo association

XII. Discussion
a. Question about suite-hotels in RM1 and RM2 zoning

XIII. Adjourned 7:25pm

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