WAvNA Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2017, 6:30pm, The Waverly, 1330 West Ave
Chair: Travis Copeland, Board of Directors, WAvN

I. Call to order and introductory remarks, Travis Copeland

II. In attendance: Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez, Commissioner Grieco (later) and his assistant, Assistant to Comm. Aleman, Assistant to Comm. Arriola, City of Miami Beach: Eric Carpenter, Bruce Mowry, Jose Gonzalez, MBPD Captain David de la Espiella

III.Terminal Island project presentation: attorney Tracy Slavens of Holland & Knight. The related Group: Rory and Victor

Zoned IU-1, 1.0 FAR, 50 feet height. Seeking 17 stories, 300’ height,. Seeking zone IU-1 with a text amendment to allow the residential use on the waterfront as a conditional use.

Three lots will be unified for a total project area of 9 acres. Size of land is Miami Beach Port LLC = 161,716 SF/3.71 acres; City of Miami Beach = 94.090 SF/2.16 acres; FPL = 136,402 SF/3.13 acres.

The public benefit is that in exchange for using the city owned easement the developer will build a 395 parking space garage for city fleet vehicles and new vehicle maintenance facility and offices. Currently fleet has 80 surface parking spaces. Square footage of existing city buildings is 35,921 SF; after is 40,600 SF.

Conceptual plan is 5 levels of garage and podium and 17 stories of residential tower, maximum 90 units.  Have not designed the building yet, waiting for first round of approvals.  Expect to start drawings this summer.

Developer estimates the cost of construction is in the range of $15,000,000 for the new City facilities.  Additionally, freeing up parking in the garages around the City is an improvement that will benefit all City residents and visitors.

IV. Lawsuit against City Over Noise Ordinance & Entertainment Zones

Summary from Frank Del Vecchio: Bakehouse Brasserie at 801 1st St, played live music (saxophone player) prompting violation complaints from neighboring residents. Menin Hospitality filed suit against City City agreed to allow the live music, but Menin will pursue lawsuit objecting to entertainment zoning under “Freedom of speech” grounds .Would effectively topple all noise ordinances in the City Family connection explained between Russell Galbut/Crescent Heights/Menin Hospitality. WAvNA approached by South of Fifth Neighborhood Association (SOFNA) and Sunset Harbour Neighborhood Association (SHNA) to support their fight against Galbut/Menin to uphold noise ordinances and to compel City to hire outside counsel to handle the lawsuit.

Show of hands is unanimous support from WAvNA residents.  WAvNA then drafted and delivered a Resolution of Support to elected officials.

V. Streetscape update – Carpenter, Mowry, Gonzalez

A contractor has been recommended and will be referred to Commission March 1, 2017. Should Commission award contract, construction should commence in April. Will take two years to complete. Final streetscape design to be determined, town hall meeting will be held with neighborhood.

Questions on completed segments:
South of 8th Street – Why five vehicle lanes on West ave at 8th St and no bike lanes at all? Claimed that there wasn’t room and didn’t want to dead-end bike lanes. May reconsider – “It’s only paint”.

City directives is to create protected bike lanes only from 8th St to Lincoln Rd. Bike lanes on east side of street (in front of Post Office) are not protected, and thus regularly blocked by vehicles parking in them to use the Post Office. City is looking into adding protective bollards, blocking the illegal parking.

Dade Blvd raising and the West Ave bridge completion: June 2017

VI Statements from Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez

* Supports Terminal Island project, cites huge benefit to City
* Supports the City’s fight against Menin, will fight for our ordinances
* Supports our efforts to ensure City follows through with promises regarding bike lanes

VII Flamingo traffic update – Shawn Bryant

*Increased enforcement
*New signage
*Ultimate goal to compel Flamingo to open their front gates allowing passenger pick-up/drop-off onsite

VIII Various discussion and adjournment; next meeting Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Additional information: Article in the Herald,  “Late-Night Motion Marks Crescendo in Discord Over Miami Beach Noise Ordinance” http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/home/id=1202778756641/31


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