Minutes of the Meeting
October 21, 2014, 6:00pm
The Waverly, 1330 West Avenue
by Travis Copeland

I. Welcome by Helen, President of Waverly Condo Association

II. Road construction/projects updates: Eric Carpenter, Public Works Director, City of Miami Beach; and Bruce Mowry, City Engineer, City of Miami Beach

a. City’s pump at 14th Street installed; state/FDOT pump installation at 14th to commence within next 60 days, to be completed by early summer 2015. Greenspace at 14th and Bay (not officially designated as a “park”) will remain under construction in the meantime, no access for residential pet curbing

b. Alton Road accelerated construction (between 8th and 17th) complete by end of year, then will focus on 5th to 8th, and north of 17th.

c. New pump station on 6th Street is underway

d. West Avenue Bridge (connecting West Ave to Dade Blvd)

1. Timeline to be determined – no imperative/mandate, funding not available yet and timeline flexible

2. Bridge will be arched, contain architectural elements, with six-foot clearance at high tide

3. Traffic study supports construction: the intersection is a choke point

4. Will include pedestrian access

e. West Avenue Reconstruction

1. Will be a complete gut and reconstruction of underground( water pipes, electric, sewer) and above ground (sidewalks, roadway, curbs, lighting)

2. Improvemets will be wider sidewalks, a bikepath, better lighting Timeline: 24 months total, 6 months of design work and 18 months of construction, “right on the heels” of Alton Road project (see “V” below)

f. Sunset Harbor improvements in the works iv. Venetian Causeway closure/rebuilding has been delayed

III. Introduction of new South District Captain Jones

a. Bikini Hostel: MBPD has investigated complaints of underage drinking, and drug use and dealing, found no underage drinking, but certainly drug sales/use b. MBPD has new funding to enforce pedestrian right-of-way at night on West Avenue c. Other audience comments

i. Attendee doesn’t like the new lighted pedestrian signs

ii. Attendee wonders whether Bikini Hostel can sell alcohol so close to a school (religious school at 12th and West)

iii. Attendee wonders whether Bikini Hostel can be forced to close due to hypothetical accumulated code violations

iv. Attendee complains of unnecessary red lights on MacArthur Causeway v. Attendee voices support of Bikini Hostel

IV. Seth Bramson, Miami Beach City Historian

a. Miami Beach Centennial next year

b. Website: MiamiBeach100.com for information on events/celebrations

V. West Avenue Reconstruction timeline survey

a. City wants to know from residents:

i. Do we want to start West Ave reconstruction immediately following Alton Road project (summer of 2015)?

ii. Or do we want to wait two (or more) years after Alton is complete?

b. WAvNA will e-mail a survey c. Quick poll of attendees: Out of approximately 50 attendees, only about 3 opted for the “wait two years” option

VI. Introduction of “The Daily” – new coffeeshop/deli at 9th and West

a. Garage has conditional use permit allowing for only one kitchen on site, “The Daily” would require a variance

b. Not full-service but will sell food (ie, no waitstaff)

c. Hours: 7:00am to 10:00pm

d. All delivery trucks will unload in the alley (rather than on West Ave)

e. 70 seats, plus delivery

f. Opening: April 2015 g. Beer-and-wine license

VII. Recognition of Commissioner Malakoff

a. Malokoff thanked attendees for their participation

b. Addressed Bikini Hostel complaints: Code Compliance has sent undercover officers to investigate

c. [Note: Commissioner Grieco also in attendance but had departed by this time]

VIII. Adjournment:  7:10pm

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